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Engaiz Inc

Empower your business with our advanced application for identifying, assessing and mitigating risks, ensuring a secure and resilient future.

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Engaiz Inc

Empower your business with our advanced application for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks, ensuring a secure and resilient future.

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Client : Engaiz Inc

Challenge : The client, Canada based startup, was looking to develop a custom solution to effectively managing third-party risks. With a vast network of vendors and partners, they needed a comprehensive solution to assess, monitor and mitigate risks associated with these external relationships.

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Our third-party risk assessment platform provided a holistic solution. The platform integrated automated risk assessment tools, data analytics and real-time monitoring to identify potential vulnerabilities across the client’s vendor ecosystem.

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Key Features Implemented

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Our third-party risk assessment platform empowered Engaiz Inc to navigate the complex landscape of third-party relationships effectively. By combining data-driven insights with automation, the client strengthened their risk management practices, ensuring long-term success in a highly regulated industry. they have aquired Enterprise scale customers like Raghnall, NSDL and many more.
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