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CommuneChat - SaaS Hosted Chat Application

Arkeni Solutions, a technology startup, recognized the growing demand for businesses to enhance customer engagement through real-time communication.To cater to this need, they embarked on developing CommuneChat, a SaaS-based Hosted Chat Application that aimed to provide businesses with an easy-to-integrate chat solution.
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CommuneChat - SaaS Hosted Chat Application

Arkeni Solutions, a technology startup, recognized the growing demand for businesses to enhance customer engagement through real-time communication.
To cater to this need, they embarked on developing CommuneChat, a SaaS-based Hosted Chat Application that aimed to provide businesses with an easy-to-integrate chat solution.

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Client : Arkeni Solutions

Duration: October 2017 – Mar 2018


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Our development team collaborated with Arkeni Solutions to design and develop CommuneChat, a versatile and feature-rich SaaS Hosted Chat Application.
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Key Features Implemented

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The implementation of CommuneChat had positive outcomes for Arkeni Solutions:
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CommuneChat successfully addressed the need for a SaaS Hosted Chat Application, empowering businesses with an accessible and customizable solution for real-time communication. Its user-friendly interface, scalability and real-time chat capabilities positioned Arkeni Solutions as a reliable provider in the realm of customer engagement technology.

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