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State National Events

It is a portal that helps members to create events or meetings where fellow State Nationals can and will attend. The system will send out notifications to State Nationals who have Checked In, in the area of the event. Additionally, State Nationals can connect with the event as a participant so that you know who will be attending your event.
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State National Events

It is a portal that helps members to create events or meetings where fellow State Nationals can and will attend. The system will send out notifications to State Nationals who have Checked In, in the area of the event. Additionally, State Nationals can connect with the event as a participant so that you know who will be attending your event.
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Client : Dovnet LLC

Challenge : The Dovnet LLC sought to enhance citizen engagement and participation in various government and community events. The challenge was to create a comprehensive event booking and notification platform that allowed citizens to easily discover, register for and receive updates about events across the state.

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We developed the “StateNationalEvents” platform, an intuitive and user-friendly web application, designed to streamline event management and communication between its citizens for various community events.
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Key Features Implemented

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The “StateNationalEvents” event booking and notification platform successfully bridged the gap between the citizens. By offering a convenient way to discover, register for and stay informed about events, the platform boosted citizen engagement, improved communication, and contributed to the overall well-being of the state.

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